Graham Kendrick at Time Out: 18 September 2024
Wednesday 18th September at 7.45pm at Highgate House, Grooms Lane, Creaton, Northampton NN6 8NN
An evening with
hosted by Dave Pope
(part of the Flame Time Out conference 2024)
Graham has written and recorded hundreds of songs, many of which are well known around the world, including Shine Jesus Shine, Knowing You, The Servant King, Amazing Love and God of the Poor (Beauty for Brokenness). He first became known as a singer-songwriter, then as a writer of contemporary praise and worship songs.
Graham was one of the founders and the songwriter behind the global phenomenon March for Jesus, which has mobilised millions of Christians to ‘take the walls off the church’ and bring praise, prayer and acts of goodwill and reconciliation onto the streets.
Graham is based in the UK, regularly leads worship in his home church and travels widely, as a worship leader, speaker and performer.
This special evening will feature Graham in conversation with Dave, supplemented with worship led by Graham, and songs.
If you are already attending the Time Out conference, your ticket for the evening is included with the conference cost and no further action is needed.
If you are not attending the conference, but would like to be at this special evening, please order your tickets in any of the four ways below.
Tickets are £10 each, and will normally be sent to you as an email attachment to keep administration costs as low as possible, but please indicate your preference for email or post during your order.
For any of the ticket request methods below, please send your payment (£10 per ticket) either by bank transfer* (preferred) or by cheque payable to Flame Trust and sent to Flame Trust (Graham Kendrick Event, PO Box 15, Dudley, West Midlands DY1 1YQ. (* Flame Trust Ltd., Barclays Bank. Sort code: 20-85-13 Account number 73536483).
With either payment method please include your surname and initial, and the reference "GK event" as the payment reference or written on the reverse of your cheque.
1. Complete the form below (this is the quickest way of making your request, and enables us to respond as efficiently as possible):
2. Email: [email protected], including your name, email address, postal address, and number of tickets required.
3. Phone: 01384 232786 Please leave a clear message using the reference "Graham Kendrick event", and including your name, email address, postal address, and number of tickets required (please note the Flame Trust office is open part time only. Your request will be dealt with within three working days).
4. Post: please send your request to "Flame Trust (Graham Kendrick event), PO Box 15, Dudley, West Midlands DY1 1YQ". Please include your name, email address, postal address, and number of tickets required. Please include your payment by cheque or indicating that you have made a payment via bank transfer (details as above).